TMI Tuesday is posted. You know what to do.

1. You unexpectedly had sex with your friend’s partner. You feel guilty. Your friend’s partner keeps texting you begging you not to say anything about the two of you having sex. Would you tell your friend or keep mum?
I would say nothing. But the rules are if "it didn't happen" then it can never be brought up again, and we continue as we were before like it never happened. But if things become weird between us, then I would have to tell him why. I would try to make it as painless as possible and accept the consequences.
2. How often would you like to spend time away from your significant other?
a. once a week
b. once a month
c. never, we like to be together all the time
A. I see your "absence makes the heart grow fonder", and raise you "familiarity breeds contempt".
Being able to spend all your time with someone you love is great, but 1) people do need time alone, and 2) there are pros to being reunited with your SO after a short break.
3. Do you think couples should argue regularly for a happy relationship or marriage?
Short answer... No. I don't argue. Apparently neither did my dad, and it's something my mother disliked. Jean is quite argumentative, like her mother and sisters, and doesn't understand how I can't be. But it has been pointed out that my calm demeanor is infectious. It's improved her mental health, and she has become a more pleasant individual apparently. The key part is communication. Some can only do that by arguing, usually because both parties are highly passionate individuals. As long as neither are a danger to the other, it usually translates well to other parts of the relationship.
But as my life has always been filled with moaners, complainers, and generally disagreeable people, I refuse to contribute to that what I can help it. It's served me well so far. In fact in the few times I have argued it hasn't ended well for anyone. It's how I earned the nick name "The Credible Hulk" from a young age.
Strangely, Jeans sister Smeg wanted to fight me physically. She claimed it was the best way to get to know me.
4. What causes you to feel insecure in a relationship?
Not being in her top five for anything. I have a history of being second best at best, and it's still the case now. I am trying to make my peace with it, but I struggle with the concept that I'm not a first consideration in at least one or two aspects for someone I have continually put first.
Bonus: If you were asked, “Why do you keep meeting the wrong people on dating apps?” what would you respond?
I would suggest that I don't. I am unlikely to use a dating app to find Ms Right, it would likely be a mutual availablity that drew us together... Ms Right Now. I would be pleasantly surprised if my perfect "forever woman" was found on a dating app.
That said, I had a LDR with someone I met on twitter. We never got to meet in person, which would be part of why we didn't work out, but she was pretty perfect. If it can happen there, I guess a dating app could stand a chance.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!