Monday, 19 December 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 20, 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 20, 2022

TMI Tuesday is posted.

I'd like to preface (is that the right word?) My answers this week by stating that I have never done Christmas. My family are in no way festive, and it's never bothered any if us. At the most, my nan would buy all the kids a large variety pack of chocolates each. Gifts and family gatherings were an all year round regular affair for no reason other than we we family. That being said I will answer to the best if my ability.

1. Would you rather work on Christmas day and earn 4 times your daily salary or spend the day with your family?

As great as time with my family is, I see them all regularly, but I'm always broke... Show Me The Money!... ahem... please.

Story time. Overtime on Xmas is actually what happened in 2020. It was my secind temp job after being made redundant from a long term job some months earlier and I quit the first temp job due to stress and discovering I had high blood pressure, so I was struggling for cash. During this temp job, a cousins husband (Paul 1) had died of a heart condition (he and I were not close). The unwanted xmas overtime contributed towards the funeral, dug me out of a hole, and also completely redid my livingroom (instead of paying for a cruise I was initially saving for).

2. Would you rather spend a snowy day outside playing winter games/sports or spend a snowy day inside with your most annoying relative?

I've happily spent a week with my most annoying relative, so option B is fine. However, winter sports is tempting. I opt for secret option A+... Family snowball fight. The annoying ones can be in the other team. Catharsis served cold.

3. For the month of December would you rather sing jingle bells really loud every time you enter a room or wear a Santa suit every day?

I would die of heat exhaustion in a Santa suit. I do, however, have lyrical turrets, and tend to deliberately alter lyrics to anything I'm hearing. I will be belting out versions where Richard Graysons gender is not called into question, Bruce Waynes antiperspirant / deodorant works just fine, and his wealth affords him crime fighting vehicle that won't easily let him down in catching a smart but colourfully dressed prankster.

4. Would you rather choose your presents or be surprised?

Nobody knows me well enough surprise me with a great gift just for me. It's always been the spray and pray technique with the odd hit but no bullseye. I'll save them some money and pick what I've had my eye on thank you. Though the thought will never go unappreciated.

5. Would you rather be Scrooge before he meets the ghost of Christmas or be the Grinch before becoming good?

Don't hate me... I have no idea what either of those are like, they just weren't in my upbringing, and nowhere near my periphery ever. I'll hybrid a Scrooge McGrinch: ghost buster.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!


  1. I am curious about your response to #1. I didn't think it was possible to have such a laid back attitude to Christmas while maintaining a family that had regular contact with each other

  2. It was a thing, but also was not a thing. Literally my nan was the only one who put up any (minimal) decoration and displayed cards from neighbours. My mother is one of ten, I have 50+ cousins and second cousins, and all who can fit gather at my nans every Sunday. I think at some point it became more effort and money than they can manage for something nobody was really fussed about. With time off work, the closer family made way for the more distant family to visit, which meant Xmas became a time we actually saw less family. It was always a big catch up in the new year though.

  3. 1. Oh nice. Working on xmas was good for you.

    (I don't do Christmas either. I did as a kid because that's what the 'rents did. I celebrate Festivus)

    3. "lyrical turrets" :D :D :D :D

    1. Lol, Festivus. I don't think I've heard of that before now 🤣
