Thursday, 29 December 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 27, 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 27, 2022

Hey yo! It is still Tuesday–so TMI Tuesday is posted. Play any day you can.

(Life seriously got in the way but I survived and lived to post)

1. Would you rather live in a real haunted house or a gingerbread house?

I don't exactly believe in haunted houses, just old materials and active imaginations. I do like gingerbread though ... Option B please.

2. One practical use for your belly button is _____ .

Forgoing the obvious "to feed us in the womb" answer, I'll say to hold strays skittles that I will be coming back for.

3. Do you trust birds? If not, why not?

Hell no. Birds are like management. Some are predators. They are often seen but only when conditions are favourable to them, if not, they migrate. You can get in with some, even enjoy seeing some, but they all take a high position and can dump on you when you least expect it.

4. What’s wrong with you?

Seriously? Neither of us has the time to go through all of that. That would be stretching the TMI a bit too far.

5. Would you rather be a millionaire but NOT have friends or family or be broke but have friends and family?

Ok, you want me to say the broke with family and friends thing don't you? Well I will, but that is already my current situation. I'd like to try the millionaire option, but it wouldn't really work long term.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Monday, 19 December 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 20, 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 20, 2022

TMI Tuesday is posted.

I'd like to preface (is that the right word?) My answers this week by stating that I have never done Christmas. My family are in no way festive, and it's never bothered any if us. At the most, my nan would buy all the kids a large variety pack of chocolates each. Gifts and family gatherings were an all year round regular affair for no reason other than we we family. That being said I will answer to the best if my ability.

1. Would you rather work on Christmas day and earn 4 times your daily salary or spend the day with your family?

As great as time with my family is, I see them all regularly, but I'm always broke... Show Me The Money!... ahem... please.

Story time. Overtime on Xmas is actually what happened in 2020. It was my secind temp job after being made redundant from a long term job some months earlier and I quit the first temp job due to stress and discovering I had high blood pressure, so I was struggling for cash. During this temp job, a cousins husband (Paul 1) had died of a heart condition (he and I were not close). The unwanted xmas overtime contributed towards the funeral, dug me out of a hole, and also completely redid my livingroom (instead of paying for a cruise I was initially saving for).

2. Would you rather spend a snowy day outside playing winter games/sports or spend a snowy day inside with your most annoying relative?

I've happily spent a week with my most annoying relative, so option B is fine. However, winter sports is tempting. I opt for secret option A+... Family snowball fight. The annoying ones can be in the other team. Catharsis served cold.

3. For the month of December would you rather sing jingle bells really loud every time you enter a room or wear a Santa suit every day?

I would die of heat exhaustion in a Santa suit. I do, however, have lyrical turrets, and tend to deliberately alter lyrics to anything I'm hearing. I will be belting out versions where Richard Graysons gender is not called into question, Bruce Waynes antiperspirant / deodorant works just fine, and his wealth affords him crime fighting vehicle that won't easily let him down in catching a smart but colourfully dressed prankster.

4. Would you rather choose your presents or be surprised?

Nobody knows me well enough surprise me with a great gift just for me. It's always been the spray and pray technique with the odd hit but no bullseye. I'll save them some money and pick what I've had my eye on thank you. Though the thought will never go unappreciated.

5. Would you rather be Scrooge before he meets the ghost of Christmas or be the Grinch before becoming good?

Don't hate me... I have no idea what either of those are like, they just weren't in my upbringing, and nowhere near my periphery ever. I'll hybrid a Scrooge McGrinch: ghost buster.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Monday, 12 December 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 13, 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 13, 2022

TMI Tuesday is posted.


1. Would you rather have a cold December holiday season or a warm holiday season?

Cold..I am not a fan of hot weather. I can get warm easily enough if needed.

2. Would you rather help Santa deliver presents or help Santa in his workshop?

I've have an assembly line style job and various courier jobs, I'll help deliver. Plus I want to see the routes.

3. Would you rather wear nice clothes all Christmas day or wear pajamas?

PJs all day. I actually hate clothes.

4. Would you rather eat fruit cake for two days straight or eat candy canes for two days straight?

I have a weakness for fruit cake. I'll save the Candy Cane for someone else.

5. Right now would you rather eat gingerbread cookies or drink hot chocolate?

The hardest choice for me in this list. I'd have to go with drinking hot chocolate though. I'd still try and sneak both though.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Monday, 5 December 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 6, 2022

TMI Tuesday: December 6, 2022

Time to make some serious decisions at TMI Tuesday blog.

Warning Decisions Ahead

1. What do you think would be the funniest part about being in hell?

I was going to say rating evil. But then I typed it into Google Maps, and, well... There's Hell not too far from me, but There a Heaven & Hell even closer quite close to where Jez lives. But funnier than that is that my sister live near the Gates of Hell... Fun fact: one of her nicknames is Satans Mom.

2. What is a name that when you hear it you know that person is going to be annoying?

I'm giving too names: #1 is Phil. He's a annoying little man who thinks he knows best when in actual fact I have to explain to a lot of people that he doesn't have learning difficulties. There is a Richard that comes close, but he's in medication for his sins.

The other name is Paul, but every Paul I have met has somehow ruined my life. (No, You're being dramatic!)

3. Would your rather have 7 toes or 9 fingers? Explain.

9 fingers. I'm 6'2" 255 lbs (18st) with size 14 feet... I need the stability. Cutting of the little finger on my left hand would first be painful, but in less than an hour I'd fund it a minor inconvenience.

4. Which one would you want on a deserted island–antelope or cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe. This requires no explanation.

5. What in your life do you sniff the most?

My sense of smell is so weak that I say I don't have one. I hate the smell of coffee. A fresh pot causes a shirt sniff quickly followed by nose holding.

Bonus: Radio stations playing Christmas music all month long or a month of cheesy romance Christmas holiday movies — which one has to go?! (as in be banished from the airwaves; blasted in to broadcast oblivion)

Banish the music. The movies will either put me to sleep if I don't like them, or help me get lucky.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!