Monday, 24 October 2022

TMI Tuesday: October 25, 2022

TMI Tuesday: October 25, 2022

You are here with the intention of doing TMI Tuesday—act now. Get ‘er done!

1. What are you focusing on in your life right now?

a. finding greater purpose
b. feeling less alone
c. feeling more motivated
d. improving anxiety
e. working on relationships

C. I don't exactly struggle with the rest, though B can come fairly close.

2. Select one thing that you value most right now:

a. being a good partner or friend
b. becoming your best self
c. feeling happier, more fulfilled
d. performing well at work

B. Everything starts with one's self, right?

3. Which type of well-being tool is of most interest to you? (pick one) Why?

a. guided meditation
b. life coaching workshops
c. personal therapy
d. social content

D. I am actually a bit of a loner, which I've been told most of my life isn't good. I was never one to go out and play with friends when I was young. It wasn't until I turned 18 when an older friend grabbed another friend of mine affectionately known as Stink to get her to talk me into going out with them for drinks. My social life kicked from there and then. I know that's not really what the answer meant, but that's how I'm more social these days. It's also the answer that fits most. (I hear you whispering it should have been C 🤣)

4. On a scale from 1 to 5, How much are you enjoying your life?
1 = not at all
5 = fully

2.5. Sometimes I think I should have stayed a loner. I move faster and further unencumbered. I guess it's unavoidable though.

5. What have you been struggling with lately?

a. feeling needed
b. making friends
c. improving mental health
d. building career
e. feeling supported

E. I am very much the oddball wherever I go. My opinion is often not the norm or consensus. And being a quiet guy, I'm surrounded by louder and more eloquent individuals. I am very easily drowned out.

Bonus: On a scale from 1 to 5, how hopeful do you feel about the future?
1 = not at all
5 = extremely

4. Everything comes to an end. Things can only get better. The only way is up... Pick a cliche (or song title apparently). Believe it or not I am simultaneously realist, an optimist, and an awesomist.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!


  1. you can always count on a friend named Stink to get you back in the swing of things. awesomist, i love that. HTMIT, my friend

    1. 🤣 True. Stink was nicknamed by her younger sister. She's a few months older than me and just crazy enough to be medicated for it, but she is still the main reason I agree to socialize.
      And thank you 😊

  2. Civilization and its Discontents.Being a loners true value shows itself when you try to get a group of people out the door to get somewhere on time; or as Charles Bukowski put so succinctly, "It's not that I hate people, I'm just happier when they are not around."

  3. Ha, how very true. Both true and awesome statements 😁
